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God Spot
This Christian Resource Blog has been created by a group of friends from around the world. Our purpose is to provide links to useful resources, some commentary on topical or doctrinal issues, a place where anyone can come with questions and a means whereby we can share our faith. And above all, to grow and encourage each other. As Christians, we believe we bear God's image in this world, and seek to glorify God's name in this endeavour. Any Christian who wants to join with us is very welcome!

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Hi Heath 

Good to meet you Heath. It's been great to have new members - Shawn, Keith, Hank, Pat,and now you. We look forward to getting to know you more.

# posted by shellymac @ 7:16 pm



I agree that Australia has benefited greatly from the diversity of cultures and ideas. When I was growing up the Greeks owned the Fish & Chip shops and we'd have the occasional Chinese Restaurant around the corner. Now-a-days we have a choice of food from around the world. Our lives have become enriched with the influences of different people and cultures.
But - we do have Racism, and I guess that Racism will still be alive in a thousand years. Why is there Racism? Is it because we are scared of losing our identity? Is it because it makes us stand up and look at ourselves (and see that we are 'wanting')?
On the other hand - I have experienced 'reverse Racism' first hand, where I have been treated as a nothing because I'm white. I've had people from my husband's country come to my house and not eat the food that I've cooked because they feel that an Aussie girl would have no idea how to cook a true curry. (Mind you I CAN cook up a storm when it comes to authentic Indian curries!!)
My major concern in Australia is the rise of the Moslem faith. Recently a Pastor spoke against the Moslem faith and was ordered to pay a huge fine, yet anything can be said against the Christian faith and we are meant to just grin and bear it.
I believe we should help those people who are in need. We see the starving children of Niger and it makes us weep. Yet today I saw a program on T.V. that said our own Indigenous people are amongst the most disadvantaged of the world. Maybe we should try cleaning up our own back yard first.

# posted by shellymac @ 7:00 pm


Tuesday, July 26, 2005

It about time ... on football 

How about us going days without mentioning football.

Now the mightly Brisbane Lions are moving up the Australian football ladder and the magnificent Melbourne Storm are third on the rugby league ladder, and that Robbie Kearnes the magnanimous Melbourne Storm captain can tackle the opposition fellows and drag them to the ground with a violent crash and us St. Johns people wondering why he hasn't a broken neck,(for which Kearnes gets paid thousands and thousands of sadistic football fans cheer and want to do the same) ..... I'm not sure where this is leading, but we should have some enjoyments, and with much looking there is some skill in football.

Now I wouldn't mention that Geoff's team have lost 5 in a row, nor wonder if why he hasn't written has something to do with the clinical depression that befalls the supporters of teams inferior to the mighty Brisbane Lions and the superlative Melbourne Storm. Will I send him a verse or Novocaine?


# posted by Anonymous @ 7:33 pm


Racism again 

In the great movie "Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines" Robert Morely says
'The trouble with international events is that you get foreigners!' Yes its does hapeen in international events.

Well racism is alive in Australia, with some academic wanting a return to the 'while Australia policy', and some uncertainty with the many Moslems in our cities. I think it is terribly wrong. I do believe that God made people equal in ability and intelligence to live their daily lives and live knowing Him. Sure there are cultural differences, some people in other places have funny names and like some odd food but that is to be enjoyed. This country has benefitted from the hard work of migrants, skills in music, medicine and small business with the Jewish people and lately Asian people going into medicine.

I think also that when we look at the Moslem world we are looking at the 'third world', or little education and mass poverty, considerable unemployment, poor health etc. People are much the same the world over with the same ambitions for themselves and their families, but we owe many help to lift their economic circumstances and their quality of life. God love us all.

# posted by Anonymous @ 7:18 pm


Monday, July 25, 2005

The heartache of the 12 year old 

This recent news in the Media concerning the 12 year old girl being put on the pill really saddens me. On first hearing it I had a mixture of emotions. Anger, horror, sympathy, sadness, to name a few. I honestly didn't think that it was legal for a Dr to prescribe contraceptives to minors without the parents permission. As a parent I would have been furious to have been 'kept in the dark' over it.
On the other hand, why is this kid - and yes, that's all she is, a kid, find the need for contraception? What has happened to her in the past for her to take this pathway? My heart goes out to her and to her parents. I just hope that there can be some bridges built within the family and pray that there will be help for this young person who has the rest of her life ahead of her.

# posted by shellymac @ 6:56 pm


Oz - the lucky country 

Many times Australia is called the lucky country. After reading Shawn's post about trouble on the Mexican border I tend to agree. Although we have criminals etc (which place doesn't), we do live in relative peace.
We have had many things stolen from outside our home and even had money taken from my purse in the kitchen several years ago (in the middle of the night), but I have not experienced the fear that those poor people have gone through.
Shawn, sometimes doing God's will can be pretty scary. But "The Will of God will never lead me where the Grace of God cannot keep me." We've proved this over and over again.

# posted by shellymac @ 6:45 pm


Sunday, July 24, 2005

good and bad 

Greetings to all,
Shawn I pleased for you and praying that everything comes off. How big a problem is the border with Mexico, you have free trade but I gether not free movement of people.

I am agonising as whether I can do a nursing course next year, one year at a College, financially and the learning, a long way to go and prayer about it.

Did you read what Geoff put on? I cringe, the world asks, 'do you believe in God?", but it should be " do you know God and have proof by knowing His love and care for you?". Theorlogy is no academic study, but there is logic; St. paul said that the creation points all to a Creator. Comments ......

Now the shocking local news this week included the following:
a 12 year-old girl at a government secondary school went to the councillor saying that she wanted to go on the pill so as not to get pregnant with her boyfriend. She wouldn't be talked out of it and didn't want her parents knowing, so the councillor took the girl to the doctor and she was given the pill. Mother later found out and complained to the media and the school. It was held that everything was 'right' the councillor did the right thing by the girl's request for the pill and privacy and so too did the doctor. Morally 'right' and medically 'right', hardly, just a growing child on tablets that alter hormones in her body. I think its terrible and shows the need for Christians to get into the community organisations and 'people involved' jobs. Is 'the world' mad!.


# posted by Anonymous @ 5:58 am


Thursday, July 21, 2005

It was meant to be easy 

I contend that from the beginning, the Garden in Eden, there was work for God's world, but it was not meant to be difficult. It was meant to be a joy in God's place and God's service.

For us, after the Fall and Eden, the Christian life is still meant to be a joy and not a burden. If there is an activitity and a group of people won't run it and do the hack work then don't do it yourself. I doubt that its really God's plan, if He has not provided a group to do it, not just the leading but also the setting up and the putting away.

I and you don't have to do everything, or a huge amount one day we won't be there. And in my old age I'm slowing down, doing less and entitled to do less.

At risk of being accused a cynic, I contend that there are many 'empires' and egos to be maintained in the churches. I have also be fairley popular, ah! the phone calls when someone wants something set up, swept up, money collected, tables lifted, or chairs put away. So rarely has anyone asked me my opinion.

Keep resisting doing too much, and being too busy.


# posted by Anonymous @ 6:18 pm


Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Mathematical Proof? 

As if we needed it! But anyway, seems it's possible to mathematically "prove" the resurrection with 97% certainty!! More proof actually of why i've always hated maths!!!

Here it is in today's newspaper: (just click here to the link)

It is 97 per cent certain that God raised Jesus Christ from the dead - based on sheer logic and mathematics, not faith - according to Oxford professor Richard Swinburne.

"New Testament scholars say the only evidence is witnesses in the four gospels. That's only 5 per cent of the evidence," Professor Swinburne, one of the world's leading philosophers of religion, said last night.

"We can't judge the question of the resurrection unless we ask first whether there's reason to suppose there is a God, second if we have reason to suppose he would become incarnate and third, if he did, whether he would live the sort of life Jesus did."

Professor Swinburne, in Melbourne to give several seminars and a public lecture at the Australian Catholic University last night, said the mathematics showed a probability of 97 per cent.

This conclusion was reached after a complex series of calculations. In simplified terms, it began with a single proposition: the probability was one in two that God exists.

There's more, and the mathematically inclined amongst us can check out if the good Prof got it right.

# posted by geoff @ 4:28 pm


Monday, July 18, 2005

On Hillary Clinton & Stress 

Hillary Clinton has never been my pin-up girl as I have always had a sense that she could be a dangerous woman. I do know that she is anti-family, pro-abortion & pro-homosexuality. It seems that the American people either love them or hate them. We, of course, 'downunder' get whatever slant the media likes to put on issues for us to read.
Pat - good to hear from you. Now about stress - that's been a constant companion of mine for several years, and I'm convinced that my past health problems have mainly been caused through stress. So often us Christians feel that it is a sin and a weakness to be stressed, but the Lord Himself experienced stress and had to take 'time out' from the people around Him. Alot of my stress would come from not being able to say 'No' when asked to do different things in the church. It's only been the last 12-18 months that I've begun to say 'no' at times when asked to speak, sing, etc. About time don't you think? - we've only been at this church for 23 years! Pat - I've taken to walking and I've found it a wonderful health bonus. Not only have I lost weight but I feel healthier and the solitude is a balm. Some people choose to listen to music, I don't as I like to tune into the birds (over the freeway noise). When I'm in the car I like to have the radio blaring. I don't know if you walk or not but at the beginning it is hard to keep it up, but once you pass that stage it comes naturally and you will find your breathing and heart beat will improve. Hope that helps :-)

# posted by shellymac @ 9:00 pm


Prayers and shocks 

Well I was shocked about the feelings for the Clintons, but again I don't think we see it all from this distance, only a few seconds of a 'grab' on television. I remember them both here and showing genuine interest in our health system, where everyone pays 1.25% of their taxable income for health care and subsidised medicines.
I pray for lots of people including the people I know through the e-mail and this blog, its 'necessary'. I know a lot of Christians with health problems and stresses and just being too busy. And it annoys me a fair amount: we need to do a fair amount for the Lord through our church or Christian groups and be in the community meeting non-believers. Its one of the reasons that I enjoy St. Johns first aid activities. But, but, the Lord will get his will done. The Christian life was meant to be a joy, not a burden.

# posted by Anonymous @ 5:46 pm


Friday, July 15, 2005

Heath is joining 

Welcome Heath if you make it through the introductory instructions. Feel free to read the past postings and comment. Be brave and tell us a little about yourself, or your faith, or whatever you like.

blessings to all from Gary

# posted by Anonymous @ 8:59 pm


Thursday, July 14, 2005

Questions and some answers 

Shawn first, of course, the governments in Australia do not start from a premise that people have the right to own a gun and shoot everything including each other. That's fine by me.

What do you have against Hillary? Isn't she just a representative of her party which is a little less conservative than George W whathisname. Keep in mind that we really don't know from this distance, and that the media here is very anti George and pro the Clintons.

I have started looking for a job outside the taxi business and applied for one tonight. There is massive 'hidden' employment here so my chances on this one I don't rate as good. I expect to be one of many applicants.

Keith has just lost his.

I came back with a sore back, and came back to another traffic fine. I'm likely to lose my licence.

Prayers are needed for an number on us for a number of reasons. Shawn again, how do you finish the week, sore and tired too.

Carol come to Melbourne, the mighty magnificent Melbourne Storm play the despicable Aukland Warriors on August 13. I'm still working on the science of rugby league, and I'll now go and work on it with my pillow. Mr Billy Slater, is that great scorer for the mighty Melbourne Storm, who is Gary Ablett jnr.? I better read about him tomorrow night.

blessings to all
from Gary and Bozo the dog

# posted by Anonymous @ 10:00 pm


Monday, July 11, 2005

Gary Ablett Jnr. 

For those who may be interested, look up and read about this young man under the heading Deep Christian Values.

# posted by shellymac @ 8:05 pm


Billy Graham & Hillary Clinton 

Shawn - I had no idea what you were talking about when you were referring to Billy Graham and the Clintons. It wasn't until I received our Christian newspaper today that I understood. I was upset to read that the Clintons shared the spotlight with Billy Graham too. The bit that I read can be found at
listed under "Why I walked out On Billy Graham". But even although it disturbed me, I feel that we must not forget the multitude of people that have come to Christ through the ministry of this man. Rather than being upset with Billy G, I am inclined to be more upset with the Assocation that allowed the Clintons - especially Hillary who is pro-homosexuality, pro-abortion, and anti-family (to name a few) to share the platform with Billy Graham. I tend to lean towards what the writer had to say on one bit --- "...I'm simply giving him [Billy Graham] a little slack for being 86 years old, suffering from Parkinson's disease, prostate cancer, fluid build-up on his brain and serious fragility after a devastating pelvic fracture. I wouldn't say he was at his trongest to resist the strong arm tactics of the Clintons..."

# posted by shellymac @ 7:52 pm


Elderly relatives 

Well my father and step-mother number 2, were pleased to see us, especially my father, who talks continually and told me so much ancient history that I didn't want to cope with. Anyway, at 80 his health is not good, and who knows. It was a lot of driving but we saw some amazing sights in the Blue Mountains and the Jenolyan Caves where I'm sure that all the cave tours are great.

Via tv I saw a lot of rugby, forget football folks, follow the mighty Melbourne Storm with me.

And Hillsong got some comments -- how about that. Yes I'm sure that in Britain and the U.S. conservative politicians visit the conservative church, (especially when they can be photographed there), I mean the church that gives the people what they want, and makes them feel good. Well is that not the purpose of a church, to make people feel good?

There are churches like Hillsong around the country and around the world. I've seen Hillsong on tv and been to the absolute carbon copy at Mt. Evelyn near Melbourne. Great stuff, for a while at least, excitement, colour, razzamataz, success, theatre, welcomes and good feelings. And crowds and money, tv into many countries. What are they doing right? A lot, maybe a couple of flaws, but where is perfect?

blessings to all, Gary

# posted by Anonymous @ 5:47 pm


Friday, July 08, 2005

More heartache. 

Again there has been another terrorist attack.
Keith, I hope that you were not nearby when it all happened and that there were no loved ones hurt.

With all these things happening around us, you would think that people would begin to seek for answers, but it seems that most just want to live their lives hard so that they can forget about all it, they don't want to acknowledge that the Scripture has foretold many of the events that we are experiencing. If they acknowledge that, then it means that they have to acknowledge God, and if they acknowledge God, then they have to look seriously at their own lives - it's much easier to keep partying.

My heart was aching when I thought of the people being spilled into Eternity, of the terror that they must have faced when they were trapped down in the tunnels. Of the hopelessness of their situation, of the fear and worry of relatives and friends as they wait for news of their loved ones.

We 'down under' don't really know what it is like to be living in such fear - but - I think our turn will come soon enough....

# posted by shellymac @ 6:35 pm


Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Very Australian Worship! 

"I like the idea of Christianity shorn of its medieval accretions. I like the idea of each believer reading the Bible and finding his or her path to individual salvation. I also like the spontaneity and informality of Hillsong's worship. It's actually very Australian."

God help Australia!
finding his or her path to individual salvation Oh dear - John 14:6 says "I AM the Way the Truth and the Life, no man comes unto me but by the Father." Does Bob Carr think that "all roads lead to Rome" when it comes to Christianity? Salvation is only through believing and receiving Christ - not some obscure path!
Hillsong - I've heard good and bad about it. I have never been and sometimes I think I would like to go, but then at other times (well most times) I'd rather not go. From what I've heard and seen of it I believe that the emotions take over and people ride along on the 'high' feeling that comes with the frenzy around about them.
As for our politicians attending Hillsong - Please forgive me our American friends - but our people are trying to follow the American way. Don't their politicians attend different religious meetings to win the votes?
Like the picture Geoff - perhaps we should all pop our picture on the Blog so that we can see each other. Oh - maybe not a good idea, unless I can find that old pic of Bridget Bardot that I pass off as me!!!!

# posted by shellymac @ 7:41 pm


Tuesday, July 05, 2005


Michele, life has been distracting!! These mid-year breaks are good and bad. For instance, the Mighty Demons were invincible before they had a two-week break from football, then they come back after relaxing and play against Gary's Brisbane Lions as if they're still on holidays. Gone from mighty to not-so-mighty in the space of three weeks, all on account of two weeks relaxing!

Which is how it seems with me, stop the pressure of weekly BSF and serious relaxing kicks in to the detriment of everything including blogging!

But the news about Australia's politicians flocking to Hillsong, to win the religious right's vote, inspires me to pick myself up off the couch...

And try to post a picture here (caption "Member for Greenway, Louise Markus, sat next to the Foreign Minister Alexander Downer and, in the background, Treasurer Peter Costello")

Here's some snippets:

Treasurer Peter Costello last night soaked up a rapturous welcome from 20,000 followers of the Hillsong Church in Sydney's Superdome. To the delight of the congregation at the opening of the Sydney-based Pentacostalist group's annual conference, Mr Costello shared the limelight with NSW Premier Bob Carr and federal ministers Alexander Downer, Kevin Andrews and Peter Dutton.

Also seeking to connect with a crowd featuring an oversupply of that all-important political player, the aspirational voter, were NSW Christian Democrats MP Fred Nile, Liberal MP David Clarke and other state parliamentarians, including Hillsong member Louise Markus, the member for Greenway.

Hillsong is reportedly the country's fastest-growing congregation, as traditional Christian churches languish.

Hillsong has gone international, taking its rock and roll Christianity to a 5000-strong congregation - mostly backpackers from Australia, New Zealand and South Africa - in London's West End. It has 2500 members in Kiev and a new chapter in Paris.

And another newspaper article "Politicians flock to Hillsong conference" states that NSW premier Bob Carr embraced Hillsong's "prosperity gospel" and its style of worship:

"I like the idea of Christianity shorn of its medieval accretions. I like the idea of each believer reading the Bible and finding his or her path to individual salvation. I also like the spontaneity and informality of Hillsong's worship. It's actually very Australian."

Just what we need - each believer "finding his or her path to individual salvation" and a form of "very Australian" worship. Look out world, you are in desperate need of being saved from that!

# posted by geoff @ 3:01 pm


Sunday, July 03, 2005

Carol & Geoff?? 

Carol, where are you, we've been missing your insight and thoughts. And Geoff - I enjoy what you say as you express yourself so aptly - but where are you??????

# posted by shellymac @ 5:55 pm


God's Truth 

I LOVE baseball and if I lived in America I'd be nuts about it. Grid Iron is another story though as I can't understand the first thing about it.

I've been enjoying the various things that we chat about, and I agree that we need to have diversity within the churches as people worship in different ways, but I also believe that we need to seek God's Word and keep ourselves open for correction and growth.
To quote from my favourite book again: "Truth, will not be destroyed by questioning or scrutiny. It will always stand unbeatable. Questioning only confirms truth and makes it visibly stronger; it never crumbles it.---Instead of blindly believing, we must honestly question every so-called Christian teaching. We must do it to weed out the irrelevant and wasteful manmade teachings from that which is truly has eternal value."

# posted by shellymac @ 5:41 pm


Saturday, July 02, 2005

Going good 

First, I don't think that anyone should leave the blog. Ideas are going around crazily and that's good though the ideas could be commented on and follwed through more.

Secondly, there are the occasions where the terrorists jam up the blog and things don't get posted, Hank had a problems during this week. I suggest always cut and paste what you wrote to a word file to save in case what you wrote disappears when you click on 'publish post'.

I like the diversty of ideas and stances. I was thinking how diverse and divided the Christian faith is (unfortunately). In my area is a church that does not have a communion service or baptism, while there is a church that demands all members are baptised as adults by immersion, there's a church that has homosexual and lesbian clergy, and a church that gives the people only the bread in a communion service and believes that they are eating the actual body of Christ. There is a church that believes that speaking in strange languages is a necessity for being a Christian, and one that has music so loud that the people in the next suburb can't hear their tv. There is a church that beeieves that Saturday is the day for services, and a church that has an extra book of scripture with teachings from when Jesus visited the USA.

Is this how it was meant to be?

I think that the church was meant to be diverse but without splits. Shawn I think the Church from the beginning wanted to go from Saturday to Sunday, the great day of the ressurection, but also to be different to the Jews. Does it matter: I don't think so.

I'll be away for a week with Shirley visiting my elderly relatives.

blessings to all Gary

# posted by Anonymous @ 7:33 am


Friday, July 01, 2005

Wipe that thought! 

Keith - don't even thinkof leaving the Blog. I enjoy reading what you have to share. We have been struggling with a few members for awhile and it has been great to have so many new people.
The good thing about a Blog is that there are no denomination/cultures etc that can't be crossed. It is a place to share thoughts, ideas and beliefs. A place to be challenged and to make us think.
So hang in there my friend and write heaps more!!

# posted by shellymac @ 8:07 am

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