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God Spot
This Christian Resource Blog has been created by a group of friends from around the world. Our purpose is to provide links to useful resources, some commentary on topical or doctrinal issues, a place where anyone can come with questions and a means whereby we can share our faith. And above all, to grow and encourage each other. As Christians, we believe we bear God's image in this world, and seek to glorify God's name in this endeavour. Any Christian who wants to join with us is very welcome!

Monday, July 11, 2005

Elderly relatives 

Well my father and step-mother number 2, were pleased to see us, especially my father, who talks continually and told me so much ancient history that I didn't want to cope with. Anyway, at 80 his health is not good, and who knows. It was a lot of driving but we saw some amazing sights in the Blue Mountains and the Jenolyan Caves where I'm sure that all the cave tours are great.

Via tv I saw a lot of rugby, forget football folks, follow the mighty Melbourne Storm with me.

And Hillsong got some comments -- how about that. Yes I'm sure that in Britain and the U.S. conservative politicians visit the conservative church, (especially when they can be photographed there), I mean the church that gives the people what they want, and makes them feel good. Well is that not the purpose of a church, to make people feel good?

There are churches like Hillsong around the country and around the world. I've seen Hillsong on tv and been to the absolute carbon copy at Mt. Evelyn near Melbourne. Great stuff, for a while at least, excitement, colour, razzamataz, success, theatre, welcomes and good feelings. And crowds and money, tv into many countries. What are they doing right? A lot, maybe a couple of flaws, but where is perfect?

blessings to all, Gary

# posted by Anonymous @ 5:47 pm

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