I agree that Australia has benefited greatly from the diversity of cultures and ideas. When I was growing up the Greeks owned the Fish & Chip shops and we'd have the occasional Chinese Restaurant around the corner. Now-a-days we have a choice of food from around the world. Our lives have become enriched with the influences of different people and cultures. But - we do have Racism, and I guess that Racism will still be alive in a thousand years. Why is there Racism? Is it because we are scared of losing our identity? Is it because it makes us stand up and look at ourselves (and see that we are 'wanting')? On the other hand - I have experienced 'reverse Racism' first hand, where I have been treated as a nothing because I'm white. I've had people from my husband's country come to my house and not eat the food that I've cooked because they feel that an Aussie girl would have no idea how to cook a true curry. (Mind you I CAN cook up a storm when it comes to authentic Indian curries!!) My major concern in Australia is the rise of the Moslem faith. Recently a Pastor spoke against the Moslem faith and was ordered to pay a huge fine, yet anything can be said against the Christian faith and we are meant to just grin and bear it. I believe we should help those people who are in need. We see the starving children of Niger and it makes us weep. Yet today I saw a program on T.V. that said our own Indigenous people are amongst the most disadvantaged of the world. Maybe we should try cleaning up our own back yard first.
# posted by shellymac @ 7:00 pm