Those Anglican Dragons!
In today's Age:
The new head of the Anglican Church of Australia has delivered a strong warning against what he describes as the evils of materialism and the dangers of scientific advances.
In his first sermon as the youngest ever primate of the church in Australia, Archbishop Aspinall also denounced terrorism while describing "supposed security measures" among the evils of society.
Dr Aspinall, who was elected to lead the nation's four million Anglicans in July, delivered the sermon at St John's Cathedral in Brisbane last night.
He said today materialism was fast emerging as an evil "dragon" afflicting society.
"The scriptural image of the dragon is of a mythical figure who deceives people and leads people unknowingly, seduces them, into believing things that are actually detrimental to them," Dr Aspinall told ABC radio.
"And I think there are quite a few dragons of that sort.
"Well, I sighted a few last night - materialism, I think.
"If we think that material prosperity is the only kind of prosperity there is, if our wellbeing as a community and a society is entirely tied up with material wealth, then I think we are being deceived."
# posted by geoff @ 4:25 pm
is football over
No, with the end of the season comes the financial reports and trading of players. Anyway I saw and enjoyed most of the Grand Final after treating the lady in the catering staff who burned her arm. There was plenty of excellent skill and was it tense at the end. It might be only a game but people 'have so much in it' -- the tension around the ground was tangible, people were tense and at the end many people were in tears. How long were the Swans just a few points in front and how close were the Eagles getting to another score.
Now I've put in to go the the Spring Racing Carnival on the two Saturdays before and after the Melbourne Cup. For those who have never been to Flemington to a big race meeting it is an experience, generally good. The animals are beautiful and the course with its famous rose gardens is stunning. I think that there are some pretty girls there too, but the 'word' around St. Johns is that's where I get plenty of experience in treating drunks, mainly females. How some good things get spoilt.
# posted by Anonymous @ 8:00 pm
Andrew, (youngest son) who once went to a game between Celtic and Rangers, in Glasgow I think, said "Dad, there are far more fanatic than we are about our football". But some are fanatic here and its tradgic. While sports often show great skill and endurance, so many people put so much mentally into their supporting and get so much out of it. And people indentify themselves with their football teams, as in, 'We beat Carlton on Saturday'. I enjoy a lot of sports, and St. Johns allows me to get up close at times and to speak to players, parents or officials.
Those people who know things about suicide, (the ambulance people in St. Johns tell off the record), that the day after the Grand Final, is a peak day for suicides, and that very few happen at the Casino, but a good number happen with the person on the way home. This week in one of the newspapers it was told that a suicide linked to gambling happens one in every three weeks in this State, plus many other suicides for other reasons.
Well we shouldn't let things get us down, I'll enjoy the Grand Final today, and like last year Geoff can tell Dave that Melbourne will play in next year's Grand Final. Its all part of the fun.
blessings from Gary
# posted by Anonymous @ 6:04 am
Hank - so nice to hear from you again. I'll definately check the virtual tour of Cornwall. I have a second cousin who has looked back over our ancestory on my mother's side (could be some convicts there I think) and she discovered that some rellies lived in Cornwall and suffered from some kind of lead poisioning and she believes that's why there is so much arthritis etc in our family. She calls it the "Cornwall Curse!" But I'd still love to visit. But I think that visiting will have to be via the web though due to the lack of $$$$$.
# posted by shellymac @ 7:28 pm
The Religion of Victoria
Tomorrow we here in Victoria will be busy in worship of the main religion here - Australian Rules Football. If only we were so vigilant in our worship of the Lord! I hope the Sydney swans win, afterall, they really began here in Victoria as South Melbourne. Enjoy watching the game together Geoff & David along with your families, while Gary lords it up at the MCG - the perks of a St John's member! We'll be here at home with my mum, sitting infront of the Telly with a Coke and some chips!
# posted by shellymac @ 7:22 pm
the BSF manifesto
Get it clear, you will read our notes, you will answer our questions, (simply in the little space provided), you will be guided through a discussion by our discussion leaders, ('discussion' means reading your written answers), you will not ask questions in that discussion time, you will then listen to our lecture from a semi-trained leader, you will not read commentaries at any stage, you will realise that we are right because we tell you that the churches are wrong, (because in generalizations we criticise the churches as not teaching the scripture, Michele picked up some criticisms), you will refer to the BSF Manual on all issues, and finally you will become one of the right people ie believing what we believe and being intollerent to Roman Catholics, lesbians, homosexuals, unemployed, divorced people, and probably left-handers.
Somehow the organization didn't win with me. Of course I was the failure.
Are you people getting together for the Grand Final, last year was reasonably enjoyable at David's house, (alas Brisbane was done like a dog's dinner). I'll be at the ground with St. J's. Some people were telling me so surely which teams would play in the 2005 Grand Final, if my failing memory is right I said that its tough at the top and I wouldn't be sure, and the predictions of the good people there were totally wrong. Michele and Wilfred you are invited, you can all tell each other which teams will make it in 2006???
blessings to all, Gary
# posted by Anonymous @ 6:51 am
BSF Notes
Yep, pretty much agree with you Michele - BSF should itself stick to what scripture says, not go interpreting it for us all (at the very least, indicate that this is BSF's or some individual at BSF's personal beliefs).
But on the whole, it's a good and useful disciplined study, forcing us to seek our own revelations from the scripture.
Did you have any thoughts or suggestions on the Wikipedia article on BSF? If you or others do, let me have them and I know where we can get the article edited!
And hope Gary is better, he'll enjoy the grandfinal this year much more than last (it's never enjoyable if your own team is in it, unless you got to the last 10 minutes and you were 6 goals up - maybe could enjoy that last little bit!). I don't think Gary will agree with you on Gaza and prophecy - I remember recently hearing a long list of all that he doesn't believe, kind-of refreshing to hear a "statement of non-belief" rather than the usual stuffy "statements of belief"!!
# posted by geoff @ 4:48 pm
Hey Hank!!
Where are you? We're missing your unput. Shawn too.
The Gaza Question --- dare I say it, but it is probably prophecy being fulfilled as the Israelites return to their land....
# posted by shellymac @ 8:28 pm
BSF Notes
I have now finished my stint with BSF. I had intended to do the studies on Ruth but am not prepared to go into the city for them. What do you think of the following quote from last week's notes?
It is disturbing to see how readily and widely Christians have accepted the idea that our riches in Christ - Scripture, prayer and the indwelling Holy Spirit etc. - are inadequate to meet people's real needs. Many suppose that the apostles' teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayer (Acts 2:42) are not enough for the church today. Instead, the church needs other "programs" to meet the complexity and sophistication of today's society. Therefore, instead of relying on Christ and His sufficiency, they turn to Christian counselling programs, twelve-step groups, services based on entertainment, and other resources that flow more from the spirit of the age than from God or the Scriptures.
1. There is nothing wrong with Christian counselling programs - if anything we need more of them (there's alot of Christians with problems and hang-ups out there - including yours truly!). 2. I personally know people who have gone through the twelve-step programs and they have been a great help in their lives. 3. What's wrong with a bit of Christian entertainment? 4. I guess if we hold to these notes - then there is no need for BSF!
It's also quite ironic to hear a room full of mainly single women speaking with so called authority on how wives and husbands should act etc. I don't endeavour to tell a surgeon how to operate, even though I might have read up on it, I'm certainly not qualified to instruct him!! Wouldn't mind his pay load though....
# posted by shellymac @ 8:15 pm
The BSF study has got to the 3rd chapter of Colossians, and the way the questions are worded its perfect to the old-fashioned interpretation , (ch.3 vs 18 on 'Wives submit to you husbands .... ') and leading to thinking of an unequal position.
There is not much on how husbands should love their wives. Let me say completely and equally, because of the scriptures.
And in the same group of sentences (the bible was written in sections, verses came with the Geneva Bible), the teaching clearly condones slavery and tells slaves to be good little pumpkins.
Some of the bible was written to support the culture of the times. Paul didn't want the young Christians fighting the social institutions of the day. Later Christians led the movement to abolish slavery, alas not many led the movement for women's rights 40 years ago, an era BSF hasn't caught up to.
# posted by Anonymous @ 9:10 pm
Hats in BSF?!
So Gary are you suggesting that the women in BSF should take to wearing hats (at least during classes to match the beige skirts)? I'm sure if it's not already somewhere in the (copyrighted) manual, it can be added with another sticky label (we already have one, not sure what it covers up).
# posted by geoff @ 1:29 pm
on males and females
Some people think that they live by the scriptures, spare me from them. They then quote a couple of verses and string them together, that a woman should not teach a man, and that the man is the head of the household. All written to the culture of the day.
By the way in the churches that these ignorant people go to, women are not compelled to wear hats, the scripture that women should have their heads covered doesn't matter.
I'm happy to be taught by a competent woman, and generally I prefer it, as there is less of a big ego to be fed. Would some idiot tell me there are not big egos in God's church.
Yes BSF still insists on its female leaders wearing skirts only, (of course its in the manual), slacks are banned, (are jeans sinfull, probably, and is the earth flat, definitely!). Equality, well most of the church hasn't got there, or got out of the 18th century.
# posted by Anonymous @ 8:38 pm
Male Dominance in BSF???
Heresy! Never... (page something in the manual, expressly forbids it, I'm certain)
The women wear the pants in BSF (except the women leaders, who drag out their long beige skirts for the study groups). When queried about women teaching men (in potential violation of a literal - BSF response, what other is there? - reading of 1 Timothy 2:11-14), one of the US (women!) head honchos replied "BSF is a women's bible study, begun by women for women, and it turned out so good the men pressed in" (or words to that effect).
So Michele, you must be mistaken about the men pushing the women out of that church... :-))
BTW, if anybody wants to give me a critique of this Wikipedia article on BSF, please do so.
# posted by geoff @ 4:12 pm