The BSF study has got to the 3rd chapter of Colossians, and the way the questions are worded its perfect to the old-fashioned interpretation , (ch.3 vs 18 on 'Wives submit to you husbands .... ') and leading to thinking of an unequal position.
There is not much on how husbands should love their wives. Let me say completely and equally, because of the scriptures.
And in the same group of sentences (the bible was written in sections, verses came with the Geneva Bible), the teaching clearly condones slavery and tells slaves to be good little pumpkins.
Some of the bible was written to support the culture of the times. Paul didn't want the young Christians fighting the social institutions of the day. Later Christians led the movement to abolish slavery, alas not many led the movement for women's rights 40 years ago, an era BSF hasn't caught up to.
# posted by Anonymous @ 9:10 pm