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God Spot
This Christian Resource Blog has been created by a group of friends from around the world. Our purpose is to provide links to useful resources, some commentary on topical or doctrinal issues, a place where anyone can come with questions and a means whereby we can share our faith. And above all, to grow and encourage each other. As Christians, we believe we bear God's image in this world, and seek to glorify God's name in this endeavour. Any Christian who wants to join with us is very welcome!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Exclusive Brethren & Politics 

They're getting involved in politics down here, and quite a powerful lobby group it seems on account of their wealth and zealous views.

From today's news (The Age), there are some typical cultish responses by the Brethren:

Sydney businessman Warwick John, styled as a "church spokesman", said he knew nothing about the meetings when contacted yesterday by The Age.

He also declined to identify any of the church's Victorian leaders, and said nobody from the church would be interested in talking to the media.

"The facts are twisted. You are taking information from four or five disaffected people who have left the fellowship, who cast innuendo and spread false stories," he said before hanging up.

Athol Greene, a church elder and the father-in-law of the sect's supreme leader, "Elect Vessel" Bruce Hales, said The Age's questions were "over my head", adding, "I'm sorry, I'm a very old man, I'm 74".

And some cultish practices:

The Age was denied entry last night to a meeting of hundreds of sect members at their main hall in Pascoe Vale, at which the men were neatly dressed in collared shirts and the women wore headscarves.

A guard on the gates, Henry Burgess, said it was a public meeting of worshippers but "we have a set way of doing things", including making an appointment and being interviewed by "a couple of us" before being permitted to enter a meeting.

"This is a Christian group. We are believers in the Lord Jesus; you could be the most corrupt person in Melbourne. Do you think we'd let anyone in?" Mr Burgess said.

When the reporter tried to walk down the driveway anyway, four heavies came out of the dark and escorted them off the "private" property.

Why on earth would a real Christian group try to stop "the most corrupt person" from getting in? Thought that was the purpose of Christianity, to reach out to corrupt people.

As Cameron the chaplain to the Melbourne Football Club ("The Demons") said, in response to a query as to what's a good Christian doing associating with a club whose nickname is Demons, where better for a Christian to be than mixing amongst the Demons in this world (and presenting what we are created to present, the image of God in such an environment).

Cameron incidentally challenged us men to get out from the cosy four walls of church, to take up the challenge of being Christians where we really can make a difference. He quoted Leigh Matthews quoting General Patton:

"Accept the challenge. Be prepared for the depression of failure, in order to experience the exhileration of victory". And thus it is in our Christian lives...

# posted by geoff @ 5:38 pm

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