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Saturday, September 23, 2006

Exclusive Brethren in the News 

There's heaps on them in today's Age exposé.

This on their financial accountability:

THE leaders of secretive Christian sect the Exclusive Brethren enrich themselves to the tune of millions of dollars a year, tax free, by drawing systematic donations from their flock.

Former Australian Brethren leader Ron Fawkes told The Age that a previous world leader, American James Symington, boasted of buying 600 hectares of prime North Dakota ranch land out of the proceeds of the donations.

Mr Fawkes was excommunicated in 1984 and cannot comment on the size of gifts going to the current "Elect Vessel" of the church, Sydney office equipment supplier Bruce Hales, but believes they would be worth millions of dollars a year (that's Hales and his family in the pic).

"I was very close to Symington. He received big money. I estimated at that stage, in the 1980s, that it was well over a million a year," Mr Fawkes said.

The group also claims council rate exemptions on each of their dozens of parcels of land in Australian capital cities on the grounds that they are used for religious worship.

The closed and immensely wealthy Exclusive Brethren have been outed recently as spending large sums trying to influence elections in the US, Australia, New Zealand and, most recently, Sweden.

The Age discovered that the Brethren were planning a foray into Victorian state politics with a campaign in support of Nationals leader Peter Ryan, and against the Greens.

Then this on how they regard the rest of us:

IN THE minds of the 40,000 or so worldwide devotees of Bruce Hales, the world is divided into "us", the Exclusive Brethren, who live in the light of God's love, and "them", the rest of the community. Only through this, the doctrine of separation, can the Brethren be understood. "You come in touch with worldly people; if you get a little close to them, you'll have some sense of defilement," says Hales in one of his regular sermons.

In this singular scripture, Hales, a tangle-tongued Sydney office equipment supplier, is the direct spiritual descendant of the sect's biblical hero, St Paul; he is God's representative on Earth, the only route to salvation. The Exclusive Brethren's God is judgemental and interventionist, particularly in politics. "We do not mix in politics; we are not of the world; we do not vote," said church founder John Nelson Darby in 1878.

And some history of the practice of 'shunning':

WHEN a pair of Exclusive Brethren came to visit Melbourne Presbyterian minister Rowland Ward they refused even a cup of tea. As a member of the Free Church, Ward is about as theologically conservative as a Protestant can get, but he wasn't pure enough for them. "A cup of tea is fellowship, and that's not acceptable — they have to be utterly separate," says Ward, author of Religious Bodies in Australia.

They believe purity comes by separating from evil people and associations — everyone outside the group. They are called exclusive, in contrast with other brethren groups, because they shun anyone outside their teaching, including other Christians. They believe this brings them closer to God.

Exclusive Brethren say the Bible is the literal, inspired Word of God, but they interpret it very narrowly. Worship is simple, with no ritual or liturgy, and women may not preach or pray aloud.

They have two distinctive beliefs, according to Ward. First, they have no clergy, because the New Testament talks of the priesthood of all believers. The second is a particular theory about how the world will end, called pre-millennialism, which focuses on certain Bible prophecies they think are yet to be fulfilled.

According to this theory, Christians will be lifted out of the world by God in a "rapture", the rest of the world will suffer a period of intense tribulation, then Christ will come again and rule for 1000 years from Jerusalem before a final apocalyptic battle with evil. (Some other Christians also believe this scenario, which is filled out in the Left Behind series of novels, which have sold more than 60 million copies.)

The Brethren movement began in Ireland about 1830, as a reaction to the low spiritual state of the churches. According to Religious Bodies, they wanted a fresh start, without authority, precedent or guidance beyond the letter of the Bible.

The early leaders were mostly university-trained, and the various groups of Brethren have always been a middle and upper-middle class movement. But with no structure for resolving conflicts, there have been many splits, the first in 1848.

Exclusive Brethren followed one leader, J. N. Darby, who believed that existing church organisations were doomed and that true Christians must have nothing to do with them. He died in 1881, and his followers divided in 1885, 1890 and 1908, with another group splintering off in 1970.

Because of the insistence on avoiding evil, when members leave the group they are shunned to avoid contaminating the others.

And finally, some of the thoughts of Chairman Hales:

On the world:

See, it's whether I can pour scorn on the world, look at the world as an utter object of contempt as I go through the streets and the book-stalls and anywhere I go, and through the crowds, and I look at the world as an utter and absolute object of contempt, because it's already been judged… To be intelligent as to that, the world has no grip on you, it's utterly demeaning for a Christian to be sucked in by the world.

On avoiding contamination by "worldly" people:

It's really by the power of the Holy Spirit. It says, greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. And that forces these wicked worldly people back. You don't need to know that they're wicked or whatever, but it forces them back, and you're in control, you're superior, I mean morally.

They might have a point about mobile phones...!

# posted by geoff @ 10:21 am

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