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God Spot
This Christian Resource Blog has been created by a group of friends from around the world. Our purpose is to provide links to useful resources, some commentary on topical or doctrinal issues, a place where anyone can come with questions and a means whereby we can share our faith. And above all, to grow and encourage each other. As Christians, we believe we bear God's image in this world, and seek to glorify God's name in this endeavour. Any Christian who wants to join with us is very welcome!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Armageddon - Coming Soon to a Screen Near You?? 

I'm wondering how folks here are viewing the latest Israeli/Arab conflict? Some Christians I've raised it with over the past few days have the attitude "so what, just another uprising in a long list of similar events" and "what else should we expect?"

Well, yes. Except, in my understanding, one day something like this will happen and it won't be just another kerfuffle between the descendants of Ishmael and Isaac, but the start of a big stoush at Megiddo (which must be somewhere near to where the current battle is being fought?). Culminating in the return of Christ and God's battle to destroy evil once and forever.

When that happens, will we be lulled into thinking, it's just another skirmish in a long list, and miss many of the signs that we could be looking for? And of course, this could just be it?!

Another interesting question is how long can Iran keep out of this current fighting?

Israel believes they're in it already:

Iran was thrust to the forefront of the widening conflict on Saturday when Israel and the US blamed it for supplying Hezbollah with sophisticated weapons to fight a proxy war against the Jewish state.

Israeli intelligence claimed that 100 Iranian Revolutionary Guards were in Lebanon helping Hezbollah, and that their weapons would enable Hezbollah to strike with devastating force at Israel's armed forces and civilian population as far south as the capital, Tel Aviv.

And Israel believes that their warship was hit by an Iranian missile:

Israeli Brigadier-General Ido Nehushtan, claiming that the weapon was a Chinese-designed, Iranian-made C-80 radar-guided missile, said: "We can confirm that (the ship) was hit by an Iranian-made missile launched by Hezbollah.

"We see this as a very profound fingerprint of Iranian involvement in Hezbollah."
At the same time US intelligence agencies claimed that Iran might have supplied some of its more lethal and up-to-date weapons to Hezbollah.

They include two that can carry a warhead of up to 90 kilograms — the Fajr-3 missile, with a range of 40 kilometres; and the Fajr-5, with a range of about 72 kilometres.

And of course there are equally belligerent words from Iran:

IRAN has warned Israel of "unimaginable losses" if the Israelis attack Syria, adding that the Islamic republic is "standing by the Syrian people".

Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said last night that Hezbollah would not be disarmed despite calls from Israel and the US.

How long can Israel keep pounding Lebanon, with so many civilian and child casualties? Looking at today's photos of the carnage, it's hard to imagine the feelings of ordinary Lebanese - must be a miserable way to start the week, coming out to drive to work and finding your car in a watery bomb crater.

So, will cool heads prevail? Are there any in the Middle East??

[And as it's been the topic of BSF these past weeks, a question they don't ask or answer - who exactly are "Arabs", strictly only descendants of Ishmael, or do they include all the other Egyptians alive at the time (and their descendants)?? Reading today's newspapers, Abraham and Sarah have a lot to answer for, getting Hagar involved in their family business!]

# posted by geoff @ 12:14 pm

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