Behind Closed Doors (and Quakers)
Hi Keith Thankyou very much for your post about Quakers. I have saved your post to look at some of the sites very soon.
Recently my attention was directed to a new book out called "Behind Closed Doors" by Ngaire Thomas. She was born and raised in New Zealand, in a church called "Exclusive Brethren" and left it later in life. She is now a Quaker in Australia somewhere.
I would think the book is extremely contraversial......... and in fact I myself purchased it and have been enjoying reading it. My husband was raised in an area where there was a large "settlement" of Exclusive Brethren. This woman, Ngaire, says she is not out to be nasty etc, but just to present facts.
You can read quite a lot in her interviews with the Dominion, the NZ Women's Weekly, and the Chronicle. Because these are pdf filds, the links don't seem to work! Never mind, they are on the web page.
Thankyou again Carol
# posted by Caroline @ 1:25 pm