Why won't they talk to me
Well we have read the scripture (and believed it Shawn) about Christian love and fellowship (1 John 1 and 2) even had it explained by Paul Barker that it is a terrible thing of darkness to hate another Christian, so at supper a lot of people don't mix or talk to me. Yes, proof that I'm a bad person.
True I am a bad person, but I have long ago overcome my teenage shyness, I doubt that most of the others there have. When I go into church I sit in the middle or near the front, while a good number want to sit at the back, (hide at the back?) or sit on the ends of the seats, so they can make a quick exit? I can understand that, church takes so long, why is that Geoffery, is the minister worried that he is not earning his huge salary?
mmmm Gary
# posted by Anonymous @ 9:45 pm