The new world, is Shawn right?
Is unity a terrible thing, as in speaking the same language, one currency, and democracy in government. Did not George W claim that bringing democracy was one of the main reasons for invading Iraq, and did not the White House thing that Palestinian elections were a great thing until Hamas won a majority. Shawn is it a fearful or selfish approach that you are taking? If you are free to worship how you want and free to make apple pie then what's wrong?
Something Like 35 years ago Ralph Nader quipped that the election of the Chariman of General Motors was more important than the election of the Prseident. Who would it be today, I'll put in the chairman of Microsoft.
My church may be electing a new bishop soon, (rumours that get to me) and someone I went to school with is a hot candidate, (more rumours), though we were not close she and I, for I was more a friend with her brother. Fine by me.
# posted by Anonymous @ 7:42 am