Controlling the weather, a good thing
To most this really means creating rain when it dry and seeing mankind has put the world into a worse state by his own actions over the centuries we may as well do whats necessary to put it right.
The people of the bible dug wells, they herded the approriate animals for the area and grew the appropriate crops. Yes we here should farm and eat kangaroos, and not cattle or sheep in some areas. Certainly we in Australia should not grow cotton or rice for those crops take up too much water.
We all control the 'weather' inside our houses, all with some form of heating in winter. In summer more and more people here have huge air-conditioning units, unnecessary monsters big enough to drive a jumbo jet, ok, but we need to consider the environment and the electricity creating our confort usues us.
Anyway if the chemicals are not harmful to the environment, I think we should keep going with 'cloud seeding' to create rain.
# posted by Anonymous @ 5:15 am