Authority and pulling weeds.
Now pulling weeds from the garden at church may be an act of kindness to the church but as Geoff asks 'is it a job in a church' as required by BSF in that a Leader must have a job in his church.
My answer is that this definitely is 'a job in a church', because the person does something equal to that which I did as 'job in a church' for years. I handed out the books, took the books up, swept the paths on working bee days, mowed the lawns, pulled weeds out, planted plants, changed light globes, lifted seats, put tables away -- all tasks suitable to my ability. And I was a BSF leader.
There is much discernment in pulling our a weed, one has to know what is a weed and what is a pencil pine tree that should be left behind. At times by ability was stretched and I was stressed but this made me suitable to be a BSF leader.
Now the BSF manual does not define 'a job in a church'. This is because -- everyone know what a job is, BSF doesn't know and cannot define it, they referred to the scripture and found 27 theological arguments and 47 doubts, they looked to the traditions of the church, then realized that they don't believe in the traditions of the church, they actually found a copy of the KJV
I will stop raving, Geoffery believe me, in a church you can argue about anything, but pulling out a weed is a 'job in the church' and don't think that a weed is really a nice plant that God created, don't go there even if you chew Sorrell or make Dandelion tea.
# posted by Anonymous @ 8:33 pm