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God Spot
This Christian Resource Blog has been created by a group of friends from around the world. Our purpose is to provide links to useful resources, some commentary on topical or doctrinal issues, a place where anyone can come with questions and a means whereby we can share our faith. And above all, to grow and encourage each other. As Christians, we believe we bear God's image in this world, and seek to glorify God's name in this endeavour. Any Christian who wants to join with us is very welcome!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

An eye for an eye, and a failure 

Ghandi said,
"If you take an eye for an eye, then you have a blind person".

The exectution on Friday of the drug trafficker in Singapore has divided Australia including the churches. (for those who do not know the man of 22 was caught moving drugs through Singapore 3 years ago to pay for his brother's debts, both then long-term unemployed and no family in Australia to help).

Here he would have been given 10 to 15 years in prison, but he was hanged last Friday morning.

I would have thought that Christians would have some compassion and believe in giving every person a good chance at rehabilitation and repentance. That's what I understand we are to gather from the event recorded in chapter 8 of Johns gospel where Jesus didn't apply the Law!

The execution did not get a mention from the clergy at my church last Sunday and I'll be surprised if it does this week.

Does anyone know any clergy who will condemn capital punishment this week? Or even say something to half the church who think that the man got what he deserved as to all large quantity drug traffickers.

On another front I it seems that I have missed out on the nursing course. When I got to the interview and the frist question was "are you working in health care?" I thought that I have to stress my St. Johns experience to have any chance.

I admit to a couple of hours of sulking and anger, the whole process was fickle designed to get rid of good people for there were not enough places in the courses.

There is a lady at church who absolutely 'knew' I was going to get into the course -- middle class prig! I always knew that there was a big chance of missing out. How do I show her Christian kindness.

What is Christian kindness anyway: some people don't return my e-mails, or want to communicate with me. I hope, but I'm not sure, that I will get Christian kindness in Heaven. Comments?


# posted by Anonymous @ 6:33 am

We too have discovered people in our Church who believe that it was right that Van Nguyen be hung.I was snapped at the other day by a PC in my mother's hostel who said that she had seen too many people hurt by drugs to feel sorry for Van Nguyen.
But we need to look at both sides.
If it was my child who was guilty - I would want compassion for him.
If it was my child who had died from drugs - I would want some form of punishment for the person/s who sold him the drug.
And yet, we all have a free will. We choose whether to use drugs. We choose whether to sell drugs. We are also aware of the different laws of the countries that we visit and we should'nt try to stretch them to fit our own needs as there will be consequences. The whole situation of Van Nguyen fills me with sorrow.
PS - Sorry to hear about the Nursing Course gone down the drain - maybe the Lord has something else in store.......
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