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God Spot
This Christian Resource Blog has been created by a group of friends from around the world. Our purpose is to provide links to useful resources, some commentary on topical or doctrinal issues, a place where anyone can come with questions and a means whereby we can share our faith. And above all, to grow and encourage each other. As Christians, we believe we bear God's image in this world, and seek to glorify God's name in this endeavour. Any Christian who wants to join with us is very welcome!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Now a forum! 

Hi everybody, had a rush of blood to the head and decided to tinker with the mechanics of this blog. We've got our title back (the Blogger bar at the top had over-written it). And i've added "Comments" capability, so now all of us and anybody else in this universe also, can add comments to a specfic post.

So we're now God-Spot Interactive!

To have a go, simply click on the "Comments" button at the bottom of every post, and comment away. You do the same to read the comments (oh, and Gary should get an email everytime someone adds a comment). Cheers!

(sorry, had to add the clumsy step of "word verification" to prevent spam - some of it quite rude)

# posted by geoff @ 2:45 pm

See, it really works!
Ah - I just worked this "comments" thing out - not a bad idea.
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