Re: Kids Stuff (3)
Like Michele and Wilfred, we did a lot of talking to our children and limited televison. I bet you two were excellent parents, having learnt from your own.
I do think its not all the fault of television, lifestyle and expectations come into it. The man who lives next to us is an accountant in the city and leaves home at 7 am each morning. He is rarely home at night before 7 sometimes half an hour later. During the week then he spends little time with his family, he tells me that he brings work home sometimes, and there is the occasional interstate business trip. They sleep in and 'pad' around Saturday until late morning when he takes daughter to swimming lessons. For the huge salary the family somewhat 'miss out' and hjis wife has loneliness written all over her. Many working people have tiredness so clearly as part of their lives.
Do we need the plasma tv. An expert on the radio said yesterday that a CRT tv has just as good a picture at one-fifth the price.
# posted by Anonymous @ 6:33 pm