You asked for it Geoff!
Sorry guys - but there is no 'short' way to go about all these views. Pre-Millennialism Pre-Mill's believe in the literal and historical interpretation of the Scripture unless where the symbolism is evident. They believe that the Church will be raptured to meet Christ in the air and are taken to Heaven where there will be the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. The Church will be the bride, the Lord the bridegroom and the Old testament saints will be the spectators of the Marriage Supper. Before the Supper, we will be before the Judgement seat of Christ, where we will not be judged for salvation but for what we have done for the Lord during our lives. (our works/motives/faithfulness) They believe that during this time - here on earth there will be 3 1/2 years of Tribulation, followed by 3 1/2 years of the Great Tribulation. The false prophet and the Antichrist will be ruling during this time, powered by Satan himself. Pre-Mill's believe that at the completion of these 7 years-at the Battle of Armageddon, Christ will descend bringing with Him the Raptured Church, and He will set up His Kingdom here on earth for 1000 years. After this will be the Great White Throne Judgment for the unbelievers. Satan will be thrown into the bottomless pit along with his demons and all those who have rejected Jesus Christ. The Old heaven and Old Earth will pass away and the New Heaven (Jerusalem) and the New Earth will come into being for Eternity.
A-Millennialism Some A-Mill's believe that we are living in the day of tribulation at present. A-Mill's do not believe in a literal kingdom on the earth followed by the 2nd coming of Christ. They tend to Spiritualize and allegorize the prophecies concerning the Millennium and attribute yet un-fulfilled prophecies relating to Israel to the Church instead. They believe that Satan was bound at Christ's first appearance on earth 2,000 years ago. A-Mill's are divided as to whether the millennium is being spiritually fulfilled on earth or whether it's being fulfilled by the saints in heaven. Eternity - heaven will immediately follow the 2nd coming of Christ. A-Mill's do not believe in a simple and plain literal interpretation of Scripture because they tend to spirtualize everything - and this could differ from person to person.
Post-Millennialism Post-Mill's believe that the world will continue to get better and better until the entire world is Christianized, at which time Christ will return to a kingdom already flourishing in peace. This view was popular at the beginning of the 20th century but was eliminated as a result of WW1 & WW2, the Great Depression and the overwhelming escalation of moral evil in society. Many who held the Post-Mill view have adopted the A-Mill position.
Pan-Millenialism They seem not to hold on to any view but believe that it will "all pan out in the end"!
If you were confused before reading this, then I guess you might be more confused now!
# posted by shellymac @ 8:04 pm