That was the theme of the talk at church yesterday, persevere in prayers for those who have a weak faith. Well that's my four, son Nigel and 'Liz who he is marrying next April, and Andrew who says he is engaged to Edie. We have probed and think that none of them have any real faith, certainly not an active faith. It is disappointing.
But Shirley and I will continue to pray.
She says often says that the children are the biggest worry and stress we have.
We have reached that time, (taking an idea from a tv commercial), where the first child has left home, and the last child has left home, so we are better off now with the 'furred' children, that is, the cat and the dog. But then we still worry about the first two, now four -- Nigel and 'Liz, Andrew and Edie.
Any advice? I may have some big news at the end of this week.
# posted by Anonymous @ 7:07 pm