The heart of a parent.
Once we become parents we are never quite the same again. A part of our heart goes with each child. I remember when my kids were at school in a group of many, the only child I could see was my own. It was because I was looking through the eyes of love and my child was all that I could see.
I believe that God looks at each of us in the same way. When He looks at my son, He sees only him. When he looks at me, He sees only me, because He looks at me through the eyes of love.
Gary - God looks at your children with those same eyes of love and He sees only them.
It's heartbreaking when our children turn their backs on the Lord, or choose not to acknowledge Him. What can we do? Just love them all the more. Tell them that we love them. Be proud of their achievements. (and I'm sure that kind of pride is not a sin) And never stop praying for them.
There is a time when we need to stop taking God to our children and start taking our children to God. No matter how old they might be. Remember "My frame was not hid from You when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, You saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be." Psalm 139:15 & 16. God knows Nigel & Andrew and their partners, He knows the future and our prayers are never in vain.
I remember when I had a chat to Shirley on the phone last September, she said that she had a promise from the Lord for Andrew, but she didn't know when it would eventuate. And that is what we have to do - hold on to the promises that we have from God. One thing I do know - when they eventually come to the Lord completely, no time is wasted. God can use the past years that have gone by to enrich and enable a person to minister to others in a deep and meaningful way.
When I was at MBI one of our lecturers wives (who by the way, came to the Lord as a young woman at my grandmother's guest house in Gormandale!) told me that she no longer prayed for the salvation of her son, as she knew that one day he would come to the Lord, but she constantly thanked the Lord for the miracle that He was going to do in her sons life.
So old friend -- hang in there, God has not fininshed His work yet!
# posted by shellymac @ 8:03 pm