Answers from Gary
1. Active faith: true belief in Jesus needs to be active, ie involved in a local church with the person doing and giving to the church or to charities. It is not 'oh yes I believe but I never bother to go to church'. What is said in Revelation "I wish you were either hot or cold". And faith in practise takes effort, a bit more than making a cup of instant coffee.
2. In praying for my children, (and parents) I don't expect to ever stop, but its difficult as results haven't happened yet. Results may never happen but my role is to keep bringing my needs to God.
3. As Geoff alluded I believe very little of the book of Revelation. Its symbolism written for the people of the second century under persection saying stand firm for the Lord will return in glory and evil will get its horrible justice with a new creation on earth for the saints.
4. The church and the clergy. (I will consult my solicitor regarding the laws of libel before I write anything), but its more serious than that, we have to support them, and they have to support us. mmm!
blessings from Gary
# posted by Anonymous @ 8:43 pm