Welcome Pat, Shawn & Keith...
...and from what I hear, many others that Gary is getting around to recruiting (poor Igor came up after Monday night's leaders' mtg at BSF and asked with a puzzled brow "what's this blogger stuff that Gary keeps asking me to join?").
Anyway Igor is a great guy (like Gary, altho I never tell him that but with his football team in the doldrums maybe he wouldn't get too big a head if I did), so I encouraged Igor to join.
I am Geoff from Australia (land of Oz), attend a home-church fellowship and think this blog is great for forgetting all about denominational boundaries and learning from each others' varied experiences - while celebrating the core common faith that we all as Christians share. And with Carol, I welcome you all!
I promise to write something substantial soon; meanwhile, shalom!
# posted by geoff @ 4:36 pm