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God Spot
This Christian Resource Blog has been created by a group of friends from around the world. Our purpose is to provide links to useful resources, some commentary on topical or doctrinal issues, a place where anyone can come with questions and a means whereby we can share our faith. And above all, to grow and encourage each other. As Christians, we believe we bear God's image in this world, and seek to glorify God's name in this endeavour. Any Christian who wants to join with us is very welcome!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Unclean Food & Footy (Again!) 

Shawn - My husband put down a few of his thoughts on unclean meats and wondered if this would be of a help to you.

Old Testament:According to the Mosiac Law, God had commanded that His people could eat the meat of animals with cloven feet, parted hooves and chewing cud (Lev 11:3ff). But they were not to eat the camel, coney, hare & swine. The pig is the chief among these. That is why the Moslems and Jews abstain seriously from 'pig-flesh' because their teachings go back to the Mosaic legislation.
Daniel 'purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the king's meat.'This was because the meat was first offered to idols and Daniel knew that Satan worship was behind Nebuchadnezzar's idol worship. It was either that he surrender to Satan or to Yahweh who was the One True living God. The 'pulses' that Daniel and his 3 friends lived on were fruits, vegetables & nuts -and this diet made the 4 of them smarter, more alert and 10 times better than the magicians, astrologers and the ones who ate flesh. Today Doctors often stress fruit, vegetables, nuts and the flesh of fish for various types of sicknesses.

New Testament:The prodigal in Luke 15, was away in an alien land and had spent all his substance in riotous living & had lost all his friends, money and food. He was willing to eat what the pigs ate. What a tragedy! That's all that was available to him. In Mark 5 when Jesus exorcised Legion and his numerous evil spirits they went into a great herd of swine and they ran down a hill into the sea and were drowned. Now Jesus Christ not only proved that he was Master over the demonic forces (His creation of fallen angels)but the miracle had a side affect. The pig-herders most probably were Jews and their livelihood had gone. Now they were still under the law and the Mosaic laws and regulations.

Jesus Christ: When our Lord came, not only did He fulfill the law in His life but He "Blotted out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to His cross," (Col 2:14)
- The regulations, rituals, ceremonials and all that the law required of God's people were in a sense taken up by Christ and fulfilled.
In reference to eating meat there was no longer the pressure to eat some meats and not others. Today in countries like New Guinea and some 3rd world countries, where swine can often eat unhealthy foods and faeces (not suitable for human consumption), the flesh needs to be cooked for a longer period on a slower heat to eliminate the bad bacteria. Missionaries & ex-patriots need to be very conscientious when cooking pork.

Day of Grace: Today we live in the dispensation of grace. The Mosaic Law has no more hold on us. Galatians 5:1 says "Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage."
One can choose to eat whatever meat he chooses within logic and discretion. Such meat as birds of prey -vultures, raven, crows, - that thrive on vermin are not good for human consumption.
Hams, bacon & pork could be eaten if one chooses to do so. The 'heart-foundation' supply pork meals (without the fat & rind) to patients who have heart surgery because pork is the leanest meat.

Discretion: In Roman 14:2ff-Paul says that one person may believe that he can eat all things, another who is weak in faith is a strict vegetarian. Let not the non-vegetarian despise the vegetarian or vice-versa, because each man is responsible in his conscience before God.
Hope that helps you a bit Shawn.

Also my father would never allow anyone of the family to eat 'Black Pudding' (which is made out of blood) - Now this could be a contradiction to what I just wrote about being under Grace. But if my Dad said not to, then I wouldn't, just because it was Dad!

Pat - the footy that you love I am sure is different to our footy which is Australian Rules! Your men wear protective clothing all over their bodies. Our blokes don't have any protective clothing except for Teeth guards.

Gary Ablett - On Sunday I was talking to my son's mate who once roomed with Gary Ablett for two years. Claude got a phone call from Gary on Thursday night. He is not at a Depression Clinic as the Media states, but is at Teen Challenge in Kyabram. He has gone through all the steps required and is now on staff helping other young people who are struggling with drug and alcohol addiction. Gary has to live with what happened for the rest of his life and he remembers it every day. But, he is going on for the Lord in a wonderful way.

# posted by shellymac @ 8:56 pm

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