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God Spot
This Christian Resource Blog has been created by a group of friends from around the world. Our purpose is to provide links to useful resources, some commentary on topical or doctrinal issues, a place where anyone can come with questions and a means whereby we can share our faith. And above all, to grow and encourage each other. As Christians, we believe we bear God's image in this world, and seek to glorify God's name in this endeavour. Any Christian who wants to join with us is very welcome!

Monday, June 06, 2005

Teaching the Youth/Gary Ablett 

It is so important to allow the young ones to take part in the services. It is very encouraging to hear of your two boys Carol taking part. Over the years our four children have often taken part in church services as we believe that it is a training time for them for the future. After all - they are the church of tomorrow. At present our third child, Jonathan, takes part regularly in prayer and leading at the Lord's Table. Our second child, Naomi, is struggling to find a church where she and her husband can be challenged and used. Her whole life has been in our little church so of course it is difficult to adjust to new surroundings at times. Don't be discouraged if other more 'mature' christians(and believe me, you will come across some) do not take kindly to having young people take part. Sometimes they can't see past their own noses.
As for Gary Ablett - me being an old girl from Drouin - I was in the same Form as his sister. My father had the local shoe shop and Mr Ablett would bring all the blond haired kids in - sit them in a row on the bench and say to dad - "Shoe the lot of'em". I caught up with Gary about 12 months ago when I was a relieving receptionist at Kyabram. We spoke of the Lord and the way He can change our lives. When he was staying at Teen Challenge at Kyabram, he was also rooming with a young man who was from our church. They became good friends and Gary had a heart for helping others in similar situations. I believe that he should be in the Hall of Fame as he was one of the greatest footballers of our time. BUT as Eddy said on the 'Footy Show' last Thursday, the specifications for eligibility to be in the 'Hall of Fame' need to be reviewed as there would not be one person in that 'Hall' who is completely without error. We all make mistakes in our lives and we have to learn to live with them - as he has.
As for more people to join this site, I'll try. There is one friend in Queensland who was my best buddy at MBI, I'll try to find her e-mail address.
'Til later...

# posted by shellymac @ 6:38 pm

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