some wisdom
Well not much wisdom from me, but 'yes', I'm sure that God wants Christians to be different to the pagans. They were some good quotes, Shawn, and in gentleness and kindness we are to be the light of the world. And the conscience of the world, especially in politics. Is the seperation of church and state biblical? I wonder and doubt.
We dont get far from football, Keith, in melbourne football, means Australan rules football and probably the Australian Football League where I follow the mighty Brirsbane Lions, (not doing so well yet) and Geoff follows the sub-humans of the Melbourne and I think Michele and her family follow the lower than sub-humans in Essendon. Should we pray for these poor types .... well maybe the mighty magnificent men of the Brisbane Lions.
Actually, the football teams do have chaplains and Essendon are noted for treating their chaplain as a significant person in the club.
I went to my first rugby game last night and am an istant convert to the mighty Melbourne Storm, but alas there are sub-humans in rugby as the Penrith Panthers ran over the Storm in the second half. Rugby is far better there at the ground than on television.
Re Christians being different to the pagans aagain, my good wife Shirley stunned and shocked to hair roots them at a meeting once when she said she didn't believe that Christians should own investment properties! How to make friends, Shirl???
# posted by Anonymous @ 6:16 am