Sabbath or Sunday?
I have been under the understanding that we fellowship together on a Sunday - the first day of the week, being the day of Christ's resurrection. As for not shopping etc on a Sunday. My parents owned a Cafe/Petrol Station when I was a kid, and although we were open on a Sunday to serve patrons, we were never allowed to buy anything. Not even an icecream when it was 105F in the shade! No swimming was allowed, and we had to make sure that our shoes were cleaned on a Saturday night as we weren't allowed to do it on a Sunday. My parents felt that if we lived this way it would be a witness to those around us. In reality it had a negative reaction on the four of us, but when I became a parent I found myself trying to set the same example to my kids. Never would I allow the girls to wear trousers to church - a mortal sin, nor buy anything! Now-a-days, it doesn't worry me what they wear - as long as they come! And if it's hot, I'll buy a coke! But, Sundays do need to be different as we attend church to worship the Lord collectively. I believe it should be our first priority.
# posted by shellymac @ 9:03 pm