The Religion of Football.
We here in Australia are extremely religious when it come to Australian Rules Football, more so in Victoria than the other states. People worship it. One of the handcapped kids I use to care for would need a sedative when his team lost. Contrary to popular opinion we don't all barrack for Essendon over here. Well - I go for two teams ( a mortal sin I think). One half of me supports Essendon, and the other half goes for Geelong. When I was a teenager our minister's son supported Geelong and he was 'pretty hot' so I decided to barrack for Geelong!! There was a game today between the Brisbane Lions and Geelong and we generously allowed the other team to win. By a huge margin too. One day I would like to go to a match between Essendon and Geelong with my husband, daughter and son-in-law. Wilfred & Naomi would be yelling for Essendon and Dave and I would be yelling for Geelong.
# posted by shellymac @ 5:16 pm