On being old, yeah me
Alas, (not said too convingly) I'm 55 and 5 weeks off 56. But in good health, which I consider a great blessing. I don't dye my hair, or go to a gym, or a therapist though I probably need one.
And I 'get into' people and myself. I criticise myself, and wish, each day, that I could undo a number of things that I have done. You know the prayer that goes, Lord I haven't been hurtful or ill tempered today etc, but now I have to get out of bed so it might not continue.
I agonise over the church. When I write the complete critique of the church it will be called 'Empires and Egos'. Enough, but St. John's is 'Egos and Favouritism', he writes while battling for a place at the Delta Goodrem concert. "First in best dressed" means really that the co-ordinator is saving places for his friends.
It worries me that we are all very busy. Do we need a dose of Catholicism, as well as a bigger dose of peace.
Oh I'm raving on nearly as much as Michele. Ah but thanks for an update on Gary Ablett. I can handle complicated people. I always liked Paul Keeting?
Shawn do you not eat pork? I do, had some on Saturday at the MCG. Geoff us st. j's people get fed nearly as well as you rich members.
Mmm deep down I am looking forward to BSF, Bible Study Fellowship. It is a great way to study the Bible. And Pat it comes from Texas, wherever that is.
Enough, blessing to all, Gary
# posted by Anonymous @ 5:48 pm