Law & Grace
Oh dear! All this deep study on the Law and on Grace is making me dizzy. There was a time when I could argue the 'fors' and 'againsts' quite well, but the brain in my old age is beginning to seize up. I do know that the Law was given with the future in mind - the Ultimate Sacrifice for sins - Christ's death. Ultimately the Law was given to show people that it was impossible to keep and that Christ was and is the only One who is able to fulfil it. I know that I cannot possibly keep the Law and I'm so grateful that Christ took all my shortcomings and sins in His own body on the Cross. Keith wrote: - Grace emphatically does not mean that we can just do what we want. I have never come across any believing Christian who believes that to be . Shawn, you questioned this, but a true believer in Christ does not keep just 'doing what they want' all the time just because they know that God will forgive them. If a true believer constantly sins they will never have true peace in their lives. We had a dear friend who was a believer, but he was never able to live the 'victorious Christian life' due to his addiction to drugs. When he passsed away we (my husband and I) knew for a certainly that he had gone to be with the Lord. If I had to live under the Law, I would have been abandoned years ago as I'm one of the biggest sinners around. Thank Christ for the Cross!
# posted by shellymac @ 8:26 pm