Don't leave us Shawn!
Shawn, it's been good to have your lively discussions, but don't feel that you have to leave the Blog. Let me quote from a favourite book of mine:- "We are learning that the diversity of nationality, the diversity of culture, and diversity of background in the same church [BLOG] is good. Diversity makes you think. On the other hand, uniformity in a church [BLOG] destroys one's need for thinking. Diversity forces you to ask questions. Uniformity lets you harden in your wrong beliefs" I have many friends that I don't see 'eye to eye' over different issues, in and out of the church, people I've known and loved for years, but it doesn't destroy our friendship. There are times of lively discussions and we end up agreeing to disagree but we don't wipe each other off. Please reconsider!
# posted by shellymac @ 8:54 pm