agreed Carol but
Do all people have a spiritual aspect in them or have they blocked it and killed it long ago? There are plenty in my family with no faith or no interest.
Anyway I agree with you and I want to delve into deep things. Is the problem that so many of us are shy, too hesitant?
I was asked about the Anglican Church and the R. C. Church recently and my answer is that in the Anglican Church there is everything, people who believe very much the same as the R.C.s and those who are poles apart. Thus some who concur on the Mariology and some who think its rubbish.
Is it at all scriptual, no! so whether Mary appeared at Lourdes or Fatima I'll let it pass me by.
I feel sorry about the R.C. church and its crisis over clergy and nuns. Living near Yarra Theological College I know that if married clergy were allowed they would have plenty, while the present glergy and nuns are mostly geriatricsdying out slowly.
# posted by Anonymous @ 6:51 pm