New Pope
Some amusement in the reports coming out of Rome - such as we might see the first Jewish pope (to squeels from my catholic colleague "there's already been one" - Peter of course, which some here might dispute). Incidentally, who was the next "pope" after Peter - maybe another protestant??! (were they around back then?)
And from the report in today's Age, a vivid photo encaptioned "Storms clouds gather over St Peter's as 115 cardinals go into conclave to seek help from a higher authority to choose a new pope."
"We're going to be unusually reliant on the Holy Spirit," one cardinal joked before they went in, to be sealed from the outside world until their work is complete.
And of course, the smoke over the Vatican this morning was thick and black.
Incidentally, my Roman Catholic colleague (calling him Roman Catholic annoys heck out of him; "catholic, thank you!") referred to the photos of the red-capped cardinals yesterday as looking like "roosters". Say a few "hail marys", John!
# posted by geoff @ 10:31 am