Franklin Graham/Reiki/St Pat
Last night a few of us from our church attended the first of the Franklin Graham events at the Telstra Dome. I have come away with mixed feelings. For one thing I had to remind myself of what I said earlier that "many people express their faith in different ways." We seemed to be sitting right in the middle of a very expressive Pentecostal group of people. They seemed to talk all through the prayers (general talk not 'in tongues') and clapped a real lot. I do admit that I was tapping the old foot and at one stage got up and got into the swing of things - I had to - I was getting numb from sitting for so long. The message was O.K. - I felt it needed more depth, but then again, it is geared for the non-christian, for people who may have never heard the gospel before. We were thrilled that so many people went forward and we pray that there will be people who have made a genuine committment. I especially loved Marina Prior and am lookin forward to hearing Guy S in the flesh. Being of the 'old school'I would have liked a hymn or too, maybe they will have one on Sunday, although I doubt it as they are having a Hillsong time. I sang along when the singers were singing 'Just As I Am'. I have mentioned the meetings to a few people and none of them had heard anything of it. Sad.
Reiki - there is no way that I would go near anything that is even slightly tainted with the occult - which I believe Reiki to be. I had a few pretty scarey experiences in my wayward youth with the occult - don't want to go back there. I wasn't aware of an "exorcist" visiting melb. until it was all over.
My husband had to speak at the Hostel where my mum lives. He goes there every third Thursday of the month. When we realized it was St Pat's day we looked up the books and found some interesting facts. As most of the ladies are R.C. Wilf was able to intertwine St Patrick and the Gospel by using the Shamrock (as did old Patrick) to explain the Trinity etc. Apparently the old girls were very happy.
# posted by shellymac @ 2:27 pm