Franklin Graham etc.
Shirley, my wife, and a group from church have been doing some calling on people telling them and giving them a printed invitation to the Franklin Graham events. The conclusion it that (a generalization) -- no one under 40 knows who is Billy Graham and Franklin Graham is not known either.
I hope that this week the committee do some advertising in the papers and radio; I expect that tv is too expensive.
Is anyone planning to go: we are, on Friday night and Sunday afternoon. Geoff, Dave, Michele. We are praying each night for many to turn to Christ. (Michele going to see Guy Sabastian on Saturday night?)
To his credit, Paul Barker, is giving F.G. plenty of support in our church, (usually only Anglican things have a hope).
Am I the only one to have read The DaVinci Code?
And what Michele just put on, its very good that people in music and movies are Christians.
# posted by Anonymous @ 9:31 pm