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God Spot
This Christian Resource Blog has been created by a group of friends from around the world. Our purpose is to provide links to useful resources, some commentary on topical or doctrinal issues, a place where anyone can come with questions and a means whereby we can share our faith. And above all, to grow and encourage each other. As Christians, we believe we bear God's image in this world, and seek to glorify God's name in this endeavour. Any Christian who wants to join with us is very welcome! |
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Gary, your prayer question
Prayer Problem
A lady in my church has a daughter who has been prayed for for a long time. the daughter has depression and may be schizoid. The lady is a fine Christian and active in the church , the daughter is a Christian I am to believe for I'm not to judge one way or the other, but I haven't met the young woman at church.Now daughter is in a lapse at the moment and I gathered in an institution. On Sunday the lady said to a group of people"All those years of praying have not done any good!"I have an answer but other people what do you think and how would you answer the mother? gary
God is a gift giver.
He pours out His gift of love and offers the most wonderful Gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. As we both know, we are not judges of who and who does not actually have salvation. Many say they have received this Gift, and really only they and God know the truth of that. Usually we can tell by the fruit, of course, but ultimately we do not know what kind of relationship people have with the Father.
Another Gift God has granted to all mankind is Free will. He NEVER makes our minds up for us. He will bend over backwards to show us and offer us His LOVE yet grants each person the Gift of free will.
God loves us to interceed in prayer, as this woman in your church has been doing for her daughter. However, it is still a two sided thing, and even though we pray for people, the beautiful union of giver, intercessor, and receiver can only happen if the receiver accepts it.
However, it is our duty to pray for each other, those whom God lays upon our hearts to pray for. It is His COMMANDMENT! Love one another as I have loved you. This is our part of the equation. God is well pleased with us when we show divine love and care for others, and intercessory prayer is VERY very pleasing to Him.
Think of us all like pieces on a chess board. One piece can only see the piece next to it, and most certainly not the whole game. Each individual piece doesn't have a clue how the game is going. But, God is the player. HE can see the whole board.
Your sister in your church is a chess piece. Her daughter is another. Her mother only sees what she sees! God sees the whole game!
If we do what is laid on our hearts from God, and it appears not to be working as we thought it should, we cannot be upset .... as the Player knows the Big Picture and in our case is the Master Player.
His plan, combined with our intercession, with the right choice made through free will is like a spiritual spontaneous combustion eventually!
God spoke these things to me this morning and I am not sure if they are what you were looking for, but if they help, then thats wonderful. I also enjoyed the clarity in what God spoke.
Love to you! Perhaps we shall meet some time!
# posted by Caroline @ 9:36 am
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