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God Spot
This Christian Resource Blog has been created by a group of friends from around the world. Our purpose is to provide links to useful resources, some commentary on topical or doctrinal issues, a place where anyone can come with questions and a means whereby we can share our faith. And above all, to grow and encourage each other. As Christians, we believe we bear God's image in this world, and seek to glorify God's name in this endeavour. Any Christian who wants to join with us is very welcome!

Monday, January 17, 2005

The Giving 

I worry about the massive size of the charity-fund for the tsunami relief. What accountability is there? What checks that the money is properly spent (not largely wasted, misused or even misappropriated)?? I think these possibilities increase as the size of our charity increases.

Nice to know of some more direct way that we can help.

We heard yesterday that our national "mourning" and expressions of sympathy, in the absence of directly knowing some of those who have suffered loss, can be pretty meaningless in assuaging their grief. But that our "mourning" can be useful if it affects us! Good thought, I thought!!

Stan, Carol, what are the situations re tsunami relief funds in Canada & NZ?

# posted by geoff @ 2:16 pm

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