Geoff re Tsunami relief
You know me, I never even read any newspapers nor listen to any news and nor watch any on TV, so am a veritable newsgeek.
So I got hold of my brother on Sunday and asked him whats going on regarding the tsunami relief from NZ?
He, being a newsfreak, erupted into fierce opinions on what he thought about it all. Far too much for this poor mind to take it all in. However, I did get the picture that NZ has given 65 mill now and he is so disgusted it isn't funny. Apparently there is a HUGE need in Sudan or somewhere (Africa?) where half of this could have gone, but noone seems interested in that. And apparently it could have paid for some huge numbers of beds desperately needed in public hospitals, and another so many hundred operations which noone can afford and people are dying like flies! I think he said we are pressurised into it because NZ started off giving so little, and now our pride has stepped forward and we are trying to be part of the big wigs.
We are only a little country when you look at the big picture but seem to have a desire to feature very much amongst the big wigs.
So, thanks for asking me the question, as it made me rouse my sedatory mind and blink my eyes and take in something of worth!
This turtle might now go back into it's fast becoming 100 year old shell!
Ciao dude!
# posted by Caroline @ 10:07 am