Friday thoughts
Well Geoff,
I must say that I have doubts about George W. but also feel that he gets terrible press in this country. Its not hard we are too critical. Then I'm skeptical of anyone who is so sure of the will of God in the modern contest, ie outside the promises of the scripture. Was it the will of God for the USA to invade Iraq? Some are sure it was.
At one stage in the talk on Wednesday night Paul Barker basically asked us: what is really important. A good question and one I've got to many times, and considered many times. Yet we must have some relaxations and enjoyments. That man has his faults and supports Richmond in the football and likes cricket: he goes to both quite often.
And its only 3 weeks away the 'mickey mouse' practice matches. Excited Geoff?
Anyway back to Paul Barker, he is able to handle the difficult bible passages and difficult questions. I like the guy.
# posted by Anonymous @ 9:07 pm