Great to have the BLonde BLogger back (wonderful alliteration, that). You & Michele will enjoy getting to know each other too!
Gary, you put your first belief statement beautifully - it rang true with me. All very clear. The only query I would have is about God the Father having a human body, because we are made in His likeness. I don't think this necessarily follows, nor does it seem right to me. But I did like the way you described Jesus, now in heaven with the Father, and possessing a perfect human body (the firstfruit of the resurrection 1Cor15). And our sure hope is that we too will one day soon inherit a glorious, resurrection body just like his (Phil3).
An alternative explanation for us being made in the likeness of God, is that we were created to have His character. So others could look on Adam, and see something (in his character) of what God is like. Only possible when we are fully-functional as humans, fulfilling the purpose we were created for (to bear God's likeness) by possessing the Spirit of God. At the fall, mankind lost the Spirit (dead spiritually) and we need to be born-again of the Spirit in order to again bear God's likeness. So that others can look on us, in this world, and see something of what God (in heaven) is like.
A question for anybody smart, wise or inquisitive to have a go at. It seems that it has always been necessary for two of the three "aspects" of the trinity of God to remain in heaven, while the third was free to be present in this world. Why?
# posted by geoff @ 1:31 pm