I believe .....#3
Well I haven't been called a heretic yet; even for believing that Adam and Eve were not the only people on the earth and were representatvies of all.
I will hold out for the 'plain meaning rule' in understanding the scripture, but knowing the setting, and the customs of the day are important too.
Jainice raised: are people born sinful. No they are born innocent, but the propensity to sin in within all and sin begins with wanting, demanding, not considering others, egos. What do we do from an early age: we look after ourselves.
Then we want nice things. We covet. And society tells us: if you want it charge it. Most people are considerably in debt.
Ah and there are egos, egos in the church. People dressed up and glorious, leading services giving sermons, (where I can't ask questions), leading bible studies, organising, holding meetings, managing. Do we really know what we have to answer for on the final day.
Why haven't church leaders brought about more amalgamations. A divided church wasn't meant to be. To the world it is an inefficient disgrace, with an enormous range of beliefs.
Paul Barker once said that the next best thing he does to praying is talking to himself. I had already reached that idea, well I am 14 years older. We all need a dose of Zen from time to time.
Finally some Gary "wisdom" be it the church or the football club, beware of anyone who has been doing it a long time.
# posted by Anonymous @ 11:25 am