I believe... #1
Good thread Gary. Here's a start:
I believe in one true God, creator of everything temporal; omniscient omnipresent and omnipotent ruler of all creation.
Over to others for #2, 3, etc...
And that newspaper article about the Melbourne protestant cult "The Fellowship" you asked for, click here!
I'm just back from Europe where Christmas is a BIG deal in the church calendar, especially the RC tradition. Last Sunday was first day of Advent, all the candles got lit (it was heresy to light one on the Saturday before).
For us, the highlight will be Belgrave Heights convention this year - Paul Barker teaching from Hebrews, and Mike Raiter (Moore College, Sydney) who has just been appointed head of Bible College Victoria (taking over from David Price, CEO of BHC). Both excellent and inspirational teachers.
# posted by geoff @ 4:49 pm