Compassion in the City
James Norman (Melbourne writer) - Saturday's Age: I, for one, would rather live in a city where I am forced to confront and acknowledge the fact that poverty and homelessness do exist; indeed, that these things are part of the fabric of Melbourne. Better that than live in a place that hides its less attractive aspects, and presents only the superficial guise of opulence and material success - a dog-eat-dog society in which those who fall off the social ladder are kicked while they are down.
Busy, but soon we'll be relaxing. Got your letter Gary, composing one back! See some of you guys, soon!! While the world goes mad, spending, rushing, spending, stressing... the above article is a good reminder of those in need, those we can reach out to. Pray that we will all have opportunity, and the motivation, to put othersbefore ourselves at this rather selfish time in our society.
# posted by geoff @ 1:23 am