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God Spot
This Christian Resource Blog has been created by a group of friends from around the world. Our purpose is to provide links to useful resources, some commentary on topical or doctrinal issues, a place where anyone can come with questions and a means whereby we can share our faith. And above all, to grow and encourage each other. As Christians, we believe we bear God's image in this world, and seek to glorify God's name in this endeavour. Any Christian who wants to join with us is very welcome!

Thursday, November 04, 2004


The Melbourne Spring Racing Carnival is just about over and I'm wondering a number of things. How did 110,000 people get to the races on a working day. Well being a cabbie I know the answer, in many a business the girls go to work all ressded up and looking gorgeous and about 11:30 are given a couple of Cabcharge Dockets and some money from petty cash and are given the rest of the day at the races, on the business expenses. Having been to Flemington when its not a race day I've seen the enourmous amount of rubbish and empty bottles that get carted away: we are a nation of heavy booze drinkers. And with two races days out of three so far having record crowds and at least one record betting day where are we heading. I have taken a few females to the races and wondered if what they call a dress is more suitable as a nightie. It must have cost a lot for they didn't have any money left over for underwear. Most of course are there for the good time and not the racing and after the Carnival ends the crowds drop enormously except for two or three special days. I'm getting old, but Michele if you agree explain what is a glitter g. I'm definitely getting old. Gary

# posted by Anonymous @ 6:11 pm

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