Yes Michele
Loved what you wrote and laughed about the hats business and your mother. Your parents were such conservatives, and I never was, while my mother was always the fashion conscious and with-it. My father didn't care, devoted to sport and still is. Oh he's a bore.
Yes there is something in small churches, and its important to be missionary conscious. At Holy Trinity, seven and a half per cent of all giving goes to the missionaries we support and a donations is given too to the student from Ridley we have each year. That's good. We also have a part-time counseller, and a part-time minister whose role is to do with the sick and funerals, then there's a part-time person to help the needy of the parish of area, we give a good amount of food. All that is good, on top of good teaching.
We are so involved that we will probably stay, but am annoyed at the Anglican church in total.
Had a blood test for haemochromatosis yesterday, (too much iron in the blood) would be funny if I had it, my father does.
# posted by Anonymous @ 6:15 am