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God Spot
This Christian Resource Blog has been created by a group of friends from around the world. Our purpose is to provide links to useful resources, some commentary on topical or doctrinal issues, a place where anyone can come with questions and a means whereby we can share our faith. And above all, to grow and encourage each other. As Christians, we believe we bear God's image in this world, and seek to glorify God's name in this endeavour. Any Christian who wants to join with us is very welcome! |
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Witnessing part 1
Well Carol, people get into the taxi and there are trips of different lengths, different types of people but a lot of them can talk about the weather to an enormous extent, (and to elederly women is seems to be so important).
I usually ask about people's weekend, the one past and/or the one coming and tell theem that I go to church. There are all sorts of conversations that follow, from some of interest to what I experience and to the other extreme of expressing stupidity, (I have never really experienced hostility). There is a lot of indifference, clearly of the likeness to: 'oh you have milk in your coffeee I don't'. There is a feeling among some people of hostility to the church but little is said directly.
In Australia today the church is under attack and it is based on what is within, people who are fallible. This week of the people 60 or so arrested for child pornography, 3 are in the news, a child care centre owner, an Anglican minister, and a teacher at a RC school. Attacks on the people in the church in the media, and some parts of the public, are frequent.
The church is hard to defend. Its quaint and inefficient and clearly in some jobs has the wrong people.
Here's and exercise: work out from your home, on a quiet Sunday morning, driving for 12 minutes, how many churches could you get to?
I couldn't do it, I can't count that far. Yes, I live right in the 'bible belt' of the eastern suburbs of Melbourne. Michele lives in the less believing north-west, (you might argue with me on that one), how many could you get to? Are there not two churches in the same street?
Why don't you unite? Why don't the 3 Anglican churches in Blackburn unite? Or the 3 in Box Hill, or the 2 in Doncaster East, or the 2 in Balwyn, or ......
# posted by Anonymous @ 5:19 am
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