This week
Well in the time after the election, both Howard and Costello are quick to muse that not all the promises can be kept, the economy might be going down, re the price of oil. Fancy them working that one out after the election, but not before. Honest people they are. I thought it was raining money the way it was being promised.
The Anglican church continues to be an embarassment. The Sydney people are an intollerent lot, (proven in the synod), and it seems, not beyond creating some publicity of the wrong kind. I wonder what sizeable egos are involved.
And Michele tells us how badly off the familes of clergy are. From my experience as a church treasurer I know that they take a fairly low salary (because that is taxed) and allowances in the thousands -- books, phone, car, entertainment, conferences, travel, house provided. And what do they tell us, the church needs more of our money.
Sorry Michele if this is not the case in your church, I'm not a happy person with the church at the moment.
I have no trouble with women clergy, teachers or bishops.. So some people can read the bible and forget it was written to the culture of the day. Should women wear hats or scarves to church?
# posted by Anonymous @ 5:29 am