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This Christian Resource Blog has been created by a group of friends from around the world. Our purpose is to provide links to useful resources, some commentary on topical or doctrinal issues, a place where anyone can come with questions and a means whereby we can share our faith. And above all, to grow and encourage each other. As Christians, we believe we bear God's image in this world, and seek to glorify God's name in this endeavour. Any Christian who wants to join with us is very welcome! |
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There's No Accounting for Taste!
(or utopia on hold in Oz)
Probably going to offend half of us here, but I'm truly sorry if that's the case - one of my mates summed up the weekend disaster "it's un-Australian"! Sadly, it's not. If any trait defines a nation, the defining trait of Oz right now is the two m's, money and me. Or less delicately, greed and self-interest. Another of my matettes described her feelings as suicidal, and that she would be ashamed to 'fess up to being Australian just now.
So, why would the majority of this nation not just re-elect a habitually lying PM who took this country into an unethical war without UN approval, and locks up refugees and refugee children in inhospitable places; but re-elect him with a whopping majority?
Presumably because they are quite happy to be bought (they are not so stupid to not realise the pork-barrelling going on, rather they apparently appreciate it).
So gov't schools, the disadvantaged and the public hospital system didn't rate highly with voters as they cast their votes for John Howard on Saturday, what did matter it seems was that they are personally comfortable and what happens elsewhere, or in Iraq, isn't of great concern.
Vision? Apart from self-interest, none there. Honesty? Who cares. Compassion in gov't? Nope.
The caring side lost. Badly.
I manage a polling booth, and for one whole day maintain absolute impartiality. The very very model of neutrality, actually! We have a lady on staff, who made the comment upon John Howard's first win "there's no accounting for taste!" Looking glum, she repeated the comment Saturday night as we counted the votes.
One 18 year-old, voting for the first time, was surprised to be handed a second, huge white Senate ballot paper. Obviously she'd got the small one for the House of Rep's sorted out, but having to fill in a second Senate one threw her. She was seen walking to the voting screen to fill in her votes, making a quick mobile phone call. When in doubt, call a friend!
And as my matette reminded me this morning, someone said "The true measure of a nation's greatness is gauged by their attention to the most vulnerable among them: the child, the widow and the orphan, the stranger within the gate and the destitute." By this yardstick, Australian society right now is pretty insignificant.
Gary, are you offended?
# posted by geoff @ 4:58 pm
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