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God Spot
This Christian Resource Blog has been created by a group of friends from around the world. Our purpose is to provide links to useful resources, some commentary on topical or doctrinal issues, a place where anyone can come with questions and a means whereby we can share our faith. And above all, to grow and encourage each other. As Christians, we believe we bear God's image in this world, and seek to glorify God's name in this endeavour. Any Christian who wants to join with us is very welcome!

Saturday, October 16, 2004

On hats, salaries and churches 

This afternoon I wrote on the blog, then accidently hit the wrong button and lost the lot! So here goes again.
Hats - When I was growing up I had to wear a hat and gloves to church, it was very much the culture of the time but I didn't like it. As time went on, us kids kept putting pressure on our parents to change. I stopped wearing a hat around the age of 17. If I wore a hat to church now, I think the service would come to a halt out of shock. My mother kept wearing a hat for years and years until she was the only one wearing one in the entire church. One day she decided to join the majority and when she did, several women went up to her and thanked her for not wearing a hat as they had felt insuperior to her! In India it is still expected that women cover their heads and it is very much a cultural thing. The women drape their saris over their heads or wear a scarf. When we were in India I tried to keep my sari over my head but it just kept falling off and it was turning into a stressful event for me. I gave up and figured that being a westerner, the local people would accept me turning up in western attire - which they did.
One of my favourite books is called "The Wisdon Hunter" by Randall Arthur. It is a novel on the trials and journey of a Pastor, but boy, have I learnt alot from it. I first read it two years ago and by reading it, I have had my own beliefs and ideas challenged. I have been quite intolerant of many things over the years, but I have now learned to be much more tolerant and less judgemental. Let me quote one of the many parts of the book that I've highlighted.
"I want all of us to ask ourselves a question: If Christianity is present in a country for a long time, and becomes tightly intertwined with the culture, is it possible that Christianity in that country could become more defined by the culture's qualities than by the actual teachings of the Bible?"
Salaries - Oct 10th made 22 years since Wilf and I came to this Church in the barren north-west. Because we are not in the main stream denominations the Salary is much lower. Of course we get the house thrown in (such as it is!), and some very small allowances. We have our own phone line and a separate line for the church. I initiated that move as I would get so stressed when the phone bill would come and the treasurer could see how many times I rang my mum in Traralgon etc. (A move I would recommend to anyone in a similar situation.) We have a friend who is an Anglican Minister and he is on a good wicket so to speak - but mention evangelism to him and he gets angry and just like to parade around in his robes etc. I would rather have less money and be true to God's Word. Anyway - there's no way we would have stuck it out here if we weren't sure that this was where God wanted us - it sure ain't for the money!
Churches - Our church was a break away from the Church of Christ 60 years ago next year. That's before I was a twinkle in my mothers eye. A bunch of people in the church were saved at the same time and they wanted to 'spread the word'. So there began our little church. (Some of the founding members are still here!) Over the years there have been many missionaries sent out and supported financially from the church. The first time we came here I was 8 1/2 months pregnant with two little kids - 2 & 4. Wilf preached and I slung my guitar over my protruding tummy and sang. We had no idea that they were looking for a Pastor at the time. We would just go wherever we were asked to. I remember though, finding out where the Church met and was told it met in the local school. When I got off the 'phone I told Wilf that it was one of 'those weird groups' - little realising that we would end up here. Anyway - we're not all that weird!! But then again I think I'm slightly weird - so may be we are! Although it is not a big church, it is a caring church and much has been done over the years in counselling, guiding, helping and just being there for people. Wilf and I have had much to do with drug addicts even to the extent of having three guys spaced out on heroin in our lounge room, bailing out another guy, having him stay with us, and another time living in our old holden in the front drive way. I could go on and on - but we know that the Lord has had His hand on us through it all.
We have many nationalities in the church which makes for interesting times. Let me give another quote from the book - "We are learning that the diversity of nationality, the diversity of culture, and the diversity of background in the same church is good. Diversity makes you think. On the other hand, uniformity in a church destroys one's need for thinking. Diversity forces you to ask questions. Uniformity lets you harden in your wrong beliefs." (I'm so glad that there are people who can express things so well - that goes for songs too - I'm pretty pathetic in trying to say what I want)
So Gary - don't get too disappointed in the church - use it in a positive way! :)

# posted by shellymac @ 10:13 pm

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