Michelle and Gary
Hi Michelle,
I look forward to your report on The Terminal.
I do hope it is as funny for you as I cracked it up to be. My husband always says I must never crack anything up to be too good as it can be a let down for people! My enthusiastic nature is such that I like to give credit where credit is due! HIS nature, is more calm and middle of the line! I rest my case:)
Gary, do hope you are ok.
I remember once when I went through a patch where I loved life so much that even though I wasn't afraid of dying, I felt so disappointed that we have to leave this wonderful life. What got me the most was nature and all its glories and I would feel so drawn IN to the beautiful trees, parks, and all nature.
Well, then I got sick for about 2 weeks with excessively bad influenza. I knew afterwards that God arranged this (or perhaps used it!) , as I have almost never had sickness in my life (before nor since), especially that long and hard.
But I remember lying in bed after days of feeling ill, and someone opened the curtains and outside was a most gorgeous day. We had a one acre garden then, which had been extensively landscaped and was VERY beautiful. Our bedroom looked out onto a beautiful part of this. I gazed out on this and felt absolutely NO stirring of beauty as I ALWAYS felt when looking outside onto this view. I remember trying to feel the beauty affect me. But nothing doing!
And then it hit me..... God was showing me that I CAN leave the earths beauty and that my appreciation for it was still only appealing to my carnal mind and heart, and that when one day I do leave, I will only be going to greater happiness and HOME.
Funny how just after that happened, I immediately started improving in health. I know God was in that experience! Since then, I still get the same stirring of heart at beautiful nature, but know now with certainty that what comes next will make even the most beautiful on this earth pale into the background.
# posted by Caroline @ 8:13 am