How Long?
October 10th made it 22 years since we first came to this church and Wilf is still the Pastor. I could write a book with all the different experiences etc that we have gone through!
Most people in our suburb know Wilf as he will go up to anyone and speak to them, I on the other hand find it more difficult to do so. Yet when I'm at work I speak to heaps of people.
Although my husband is the Pastor of the church, I am not the 'conventional Pastor's wife'. For several years I tried to be the 'ideal' pastor's wife that fulfilled what most people's preconceived idea should be, but I found that I was close to a break-down. I have learned with great difficulty to say no over the years. In doing so there is the heavy feeling of guilt because I'm not doing what is expected of a Pastor's wife. But I have to be true to myself. I don't like it when people introduce me as 'the Pastor's wife', I prefer to be introduced as 'Michele - her husband is our Pastor'. I still do heaps in the church - probably too much - but I have learnt over the years the 'warning bells' when I need to back off.
Because we are not in a main stream church such as the Anglican or Baptist or whatever, we are not moved on after a few years. There have been some churches that have wanted us, or we have wanted to go there, but each time the Lord closed the door. There are advantages and draw backs in staying in a church for such a long time. For one thing, our kids didn't have to be shifted from school to school but were able to complete their whole schooling without shifting around. Wilf has taught several hundred children over the years in R.E. and many of those kids who are now adults will still come up to him and call him Pastor Dawson. People know that there is stability with aving the same Pastor. One of the disadvantages is that you can just become a peice of the furniture and can also be taken advantage of. Oh well - the Lord is in control.
# posted by shellymac @ 7:35 pm