Home Church
Thanks Michelle and Gary for keeping this blog going wth some "life" while Geoff was away and I was busy!
I enjoy the Home Church thing..... and enjoy very much participating. But most of all, I enjoy the feeling of the spirit in the small room as people all meet together in Gods name to share the joy and love they have in Christ together. In a larger church service, there is a different atmosphere. Yes, the Holy Spirit can also be present, but it is just different from the little meeting of some of Gods children bonding and sharing.
You can have this same bond when a small group of His children get together even informally and speak together of their common love. Yes, it is FELLOWSHIP that I think I appreciate the most.
It is 1am here in NZ and I am very sleepy.... maybe I shall come back tomorrow and edit this post!!!!!
# posted by Caroline @ 9:51 pm